Before a start, a little disclaimer: this is, much to my dismay, being written via my phone and I have STILL found myself without a laptop. Insert huge sad face emotion here. I think I shall save the laptop story for another day, however just putting it out there as there may be some unexplained typos or whatever, and that is just because iPhone keyboards are definitely more fiddily, and this is the first time I've used the 'blogger' app so please bare with me. Yes, I do understand I sound a bit like an old woman here. Accept it.
Getting onto the point, because I have no laptop to be able to transfer photos from my camera onto my blog blah blah blah, basically I don't have many resources to make a good post. So I thought I'd just blab on about a topic that's been heavy on my mind recently. No, not the Scottish referendum. (Actually has been on my mind but maybe not a topic for a beauty blog). What I like to call the Mascara Dilemma.
Now, I don't know if I'm alone in experiencing this. My friends have assured me I'm not. I certainly hope I'm not. Anyone reading this, please let me know if you are with me on this.
I, for the life of me, cannot keep a mascara. Now, I don't mean I lose it or damage it. And I don't mean one singular mascara. I mean the product in general. I can only repurchase a mascara twice before it STOPS WORKING. What is that about? The mascara I last month was raving about has now made my lashes clumpy stumps. (Yes I just said clumpy stumps). I didn't even realise this was happening at first. Every new mascara I'd buy, I literally thought was my new favourite mascara. And it definitely is at the time. But after a while, boom, it's time to buy a new one and start the process all over again.
Does this happen to anyone else and what do you think causes it? My flatmate likened it to deodorant and thinks after a whole your body gets used to it and stops working. I think that's a pretty good theory but wouldn't it be the same with foundations, eyeliner and basically all other make up? I don't experience the same thing with any other product really. I know it's always a good thing to change up your beauty routine but there's definitely a point where it gets too far!
Please let me know if you have experienced this too. We will all get through the mascara dilemma together.
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